school boys


  • Don wanna any coffee
    Don wanna any coffee 2006/02/18 17:38

    >我不是変態?      ................................................................. you are変態, I am Gay....... :-|

  • bearnini
    bearnini 2006/02/23 10:08

    nonono~~~I am not 變態, but as to if you are Gay....not so sure!! SUSPECIOUS~

  • 要咖啡吗?
    要咖啡吗? 2006/02/23 21:46

    OK, when you will see me in Taiwan, you will know HOW MUCH GAY I AM 8-)

  • bearnini
    bearnini 2006/03/01 21:22

    :lol: hahahahaha I didn't know before. Remember show me some GAY STYLE as well.(ps: it's so cold now in TW...)

  • 臭豆腐
    臭豆腐 2006/03/08 11:40

    Seems I proved how much straigh I am in TW :oops: Or, I can still be a gayest straight on the earth!!!

  • bearnini
    bearnini 2006/03/10 10:56

    u already are~ Is there any doubt? :-D

  • 台南102
    台南102 2006/03/12 17:43

    Oh, you mean, Im gayest? like as you said me before, I cant tell you are joking or not.. :shock:

  • bearnini
    bearnini 2006/03/22 23:32

    I meant: you can be the gayest straight on earth~

  • 台南102
    台南102 2006/03/24 11:58

    了解. 我得為to be the gayest straight努力. um... 我怎麼辦? Oh, 首先, 我刮腋毛 :oops:

  • mangosweet
    mangosweet 2006/03/24 14:31

    樓上的"阿姨們".........好羞喔你們的對話 :oops:

  • 迷之聲
    迷之聲 2006/03/24 23:43

    嘖嘖嘖...這裡已經不再是老少咸宜的天地了 :cry:

  • bearnini
    bearnini 2006/03/25 12:18

    to 台南102: I think "刮腿毛" is more practical to reach your goal.... 8-) hehehe

  • 台南102
    台南102 2006/03/26 00:13

    真的? Oh.. its too late, cuz 我已經刮了右腋毛....... :oops:

  • fayest
    fayest 2006/03/26 17:39

    so ga ne... I think there is nothing I can help then... XDDDDDDDDDDD

